2007 VBS day 5


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Above: Today, Julika finished the last chapter of Pilgrim's Progress and spoke about the City of the Good King. Afterwards, the kids broke off into their small groups where leaders reviewed verses and summarized what has been taught the entire week. It was our desire on this day to make as clear as possible the Gospel and to give the kids an opportunity to pray to receive Jesus as they felt led.


Above: Dezső said that his group had issues paying attention today. One of the kids in his group acted up and as Dezső began questioning him in front of the group, the mood changed. This kid's disobedience led to an opportunity to bring clarity to what had been taught, and created an atmosphere where the entire group payed close attention. Dezső closed by giving an opportunity to his kids to pray out loud if they had decided to put their faith in Jesus. He reported that all the kids prayed. Of course, we don't know how many of these prayers were from a heart of understanding and faith, but we hope that they all were.



Above: Miki reported that his group payed close attention today. He explained repentance, faith and the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. He closed his group by saying, "Think about these things, and I will try to talk to each of you one-on-one as I find you throughout the day." At that point, a girl spoke up and said, "But, I think I am ready right now." Another followed by saying the same. Many of the kids in his group also prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior. Unfortunately, other group leaders reported that kids who had been well behaved all week were out of sorts today. A couple of group leaders said that the kids just shut down and did not want to answer any questions or review what had been talked about all week.


Above: Janka who taught preschoolers said that most of the week, it was hard to keep the anttention of all of her students. Today however, they payed close attention to the teaching. One of the kids who is the most active in the group began asking important questions like, "How do we get into heaven?" Janka was thankful for God working to keep them from being distracted so that they could hear the Gospel.


Above: Pioneers teammate Laci gave his testimony in the VBS adult study. We hope that his testimony will draw those who attended to begin seeking God through reading His word.


Above: Miki helping a dramatic reading of the parable of the sower in Matthew 13 by acting out the growth of the different seeds. We hope that Jesus' parable will encourage the kids who made decisions to faithfully endure and bear fruit by God's grace.







Above: Among the various visitors who stopped by to see our camp were Marcsi's parents. We were thankful for them getting a taste of what we do and what we believe. Please pray for them. Marcsi came to me overjoyed in the midst of the day with great news about her workplace. For the past few months she has been on a rotating shift that has her working morning one week, afternoon one week and then through the night. Imagine constant jet lag. While serving in camp she said that she was bothered by the thought of having to start this intense schedule up again. She found out today that she no longer has to work this shift starting next week! Dezső who works at the same factory has also been offered another position within the company which should offer better pay and better hours. Praise God for his grace and provision for Dezső and Marcsi while they are busy following Him.

Tomorrow we hope that some of the parents will join us for our closing day of camp. Unfortunately many kids are going on vacation or made other plans and will not be attending tomorrow. Please pray for us as we will have to adjust our plans to accommodate whatever number (small or large) that comes. We need wisdom from God and His strength to make the final day the best it could be by His grace! We praise Him for how He moved the hearts of many kids today to put their trust in Him. Please pray that they would grow in their faith and also that they would attend our church for Christian fellowship and worship. As usual, please pray for physical strength and a fulfilling night of rest.
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