New Year’s Eve

“You crown the year with your goodness, and richness overflows wherever you are.” (Psalm 65:11) May the Lord bless you in this new year with His goodness. May the richness of His presence overflow from within You and become a blessing to others. Above: A special New Year’s Eve memory: Encouraging one another in Christ in the midst of our worship service.

Our family spent the last night of 2005 with the growing family of believers in Petőfibánya. Miki and Erika Fülöp opened their home, hosting a Saturday night worship service. Afterwards, we brought in the new year playing games, singing, praying and of course making horrendous noise at midnight.

Below left: 11:55pm giving God praise for the past year and hoping to know Him more in 2006. Below right: Ben finally is given the 'heads up' to BLAST HIS HORN.

Below: Some of the kids brought their own fireworks to set off at midnight (thankfully no missing limbs afterwards)

We look forward to a new year of salvation in Petőfibánya. A year full of praise as we see Jesus building His church victoriously. “The Spirit of the Lord is with me. He has anointed me to tell the Good News to the poor. He has sent me to announce forgiveness to the prisoners of sin and the restoring of sight to the blind, to forgive those who have been shattered by sin, to announce the year of the Lord's favor.” (Luke 4:18-19)
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