Wharton Graduation

Here are some photos from my brother-in-law’s graduation from Wharton’s MBA program. The rain held off during the pre-ceremony brunch, but the skies really opened during the announcement of the graduates names. Poor grads! Many were soaked! It was still a great day, and we’re all so proud of Sam!

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WordPress Gallery Beginnings

This is a test post as I’m fiddling with the gallery function. Tonight I’ve been searching (in vain) for some kind of information on how to customize WordPress’ gallery which is a feature of version 2.5. I’ve found almost nothing worthwhile on the subject. But I’m going to test out what I’ve read thus far.
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Library Finds

We hop over to the local library just about every Friday. Today was quite snuggly as we sat on the library couch reading together. The rain patted on the huge windows of the library, which looked out over the thick, pre-summer greenery outside. Perfect day for some library read-aloud action. The kids and I have made some fun library finds … Continue reading