
Bob and the kids were playing superhero tonight. Well, actually Bob was the villain…he’d hide around the corner and jump out, much to the little giggling superheros’ delight. At one point, he jumped out and really surprised DS. Once DS recovered from the initial surprise, he commented, "I wondered why my spidey-senses were tingling!"

On ABC Family

Annie‘s on right now. Man, I love this movie. Favorite movie of all time. I saw it in the theater three times back in the 80’s, and countless times since. Brings me right back to my youth.

Back Yard Reunions

Today was 80 degrees. What weird weather our country is having the past few days. It snowed a foot in some places, and feels like summer in others. Crazy. Anywho…I was supposed to clean the kitchen floor today but guess what? The floor is totally still dirty because the kids and I played outside. It was fun getting out, seeing … Continue reading